Carmelite Chant
·Someone requested details on how to sing the Carmelite Little Office.
Going from a Carmelite Little Office book from the Internet Archive, I’ve looked up the unfamiliar antiphons on Gregobase and pasted them in here. Even though they’re not specifically Carmelite versions, the chant tunes tend to be fairly universal.
and in booklet format
UPDATE: From the comments section in the short video, someone provided this transcription from a Carmelite Antiphonal:
(c3)VIr(e)go(g) Ma(h)rí(ij)a,(i) *(,)
non(j) est(k) ti(j)bi(i) sí(j)mi(i)lis(h) or(i)ta(j) in(j) mun(i)do,(i) (;)
in(i)ter(ivHGF) mu(g)lí(f)e(e)res:(e) (:)
flo(h)rens(g) ut(h) ro(ij)sa,(i) (;)
fra(j)grans(k) si(j)cut(i) lí(j)li(ih)um,(g) (:)
o(h)ra(ij) pro(j) no(i)bis,(i) (;)
san(i)cta(ivHGF) De(g)i(f) Gé(e)ni(de)trix.(e) (::)
I’ve added it to the Carmelite Bits PDF above and here is a peek: