Welcome to my blog


Further research into the Little Office of Our Lady.

  • Marathon - singing all the hours in one day

    Last Saturday I finally took the plunge and recorded myself singing all the hours of the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It’s taken me a while to get around to editing them ready to upload, but here is the first installment.

  • Modes

    Modes are a way of categorizing Gregorian chant according to the pitch the melody tends to orbit and where the melody finishes. The modes generally came after most of the chant, so sometimes some chant doesn’t totally fit a certain mode, or even seems to shift modality. This is more a thing with longer chant - like the Gradual at...

  • Video for Vespers

    While the Little Office videos were so popular I put together this one for Vespers.

  • Compline from Long Ago

    Back when I used a Wordpress blog, I uploaded some recordings of my family singing Compline from the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary.