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Further research into the Little Office of Our Lady.

  • Toni Capituli et Orationum

    I received a question on how to sing some of the Common parts of the Little Office. In particular, the Capitulum or Little Chapter and the Collect or Prayer.

  • Little Office vs Rosary

    Hello, today I’m looking at the difference between the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Holy Rosary.

  • Old Books

    A 1740 copy Latin with Italian rubrics. Includes the Office of the Dead and the Gradual Psalms and the Office of the Most Holy Sacrament. Lots of prayers in Italian at the end, spelling Jesus as Giesu instead of the standard Italian today using Gesu.

  • Missing Piece of Vespers

    Someone asked for updated straight through recordings now that Paschaltide is behind us. In the morning I set up in the living room and recorded Matins and Lauds, Prime, Terce and Sext. In the afternoon I set up in the spare room and made some more recordings using a different camera which I haven’t used much before, covering psalmtones for...

  • Gumroad

    The Udemy course is going well. It’s not my favourite way to buy courses though. I like to be able to download the videos and put them on my household intranet so they can be played without having to log in. Udemy does allow you to download videos, but it gives you very low resolution copies, which is great to...

  • Last leg of the Marathon

    I’ll bundle up the last three videos into this one last post. I sing these ones by myself, so they’re not nearly so interesting.

  • Marathon part 3

    The third installment and the third hour of the day (more or less).

  • Marathon part 2

    The next installment of the Little Office Marathon from last Saturday is the hour of Prime - named as the first hour of the day, so at sunrise.