Ave María

Officium Parvum Beatae Mariae Virginis

Collecting information about the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary, particularly how it is sung.

A first step might be to learn to sing the Little Office of the Immaculate Conception

You can get my video course on Singing the Little Office in Latin :

via Gumroad  gumroad   or   via Udemy  udemy

Gumroad is more for sharing files and gives you access to the videos directly. Udemy is a learning platform which keeps track of which lessons you have watched.

Gumroad also gives you the option to become an affiliate and get a third of the proceeds each time someone signs up for the course using your link. Sign up here.

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The latest copies of the booklets ready to print. These are still under development. Please let me know if you find any mistakes or have any suggestions.

PDFs: MatinsLaudsPrimeTerceSextNoneVespersCompline or Old layoutAll the Hours!

ODD PDFs: Medieval-ish Lauds with extra Psalms and the COmmemoration of Saints as before Pope St Pius X’s reform • Camp Terce

Creative Commons Licence
Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary by Veronica Brandt is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://littleoffice.brandt.id.au.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at https://littleoffice.brandt.id.au.

Recordings (mp3/m4a): LaudsPrimeTerceSextNoneVespersSalve Regina, solemn, Salve Regina, simple, Regina Caeli, simple


Although I have kept the complete set of videos for the paid course, I have released quite a few for free on YouTube. My channel also includes videos on hymns, learning Latin and Gregorian chant.

All my YouTube videos are also backed up at Odysee. Sometimes I add them to my Rumble channel too.

All the Little Office Videos are uploaded to Gumroad and Udemy and you can access those here:

via Gumroad  gumroad   or   via Udemy  udemy

God bless you!